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Psychometry Test

Person applying to the university in Israel has to pass an admission exam called "the Psychometry" the test is heavily weighed for university admissions and is used to screen applicants for the various departments. Due to its importance, choosing the preparation method for the test should be taken seriously and should be suited to the person studying.

25 Beautifull logos redesigns

25 beautiful logos and how they used to look.

Expandable Sticky Bar

A jQuery script that uses CSS's "positon:fixed" property to create a sticky footer or header bar that expands when the mouse rolls over it.

Lettering.js jQuery plugin

An interesting jQuery plugin that lets you display text in creative manners on your page, from rotating them, adding shadows, to using fancy typography.

HTML5 Empowers The Web Designing Experience

A overview of some of the changes and new features in HTML5 and how they can empower the web design experience.

Fun with HTML5 Forms

A nice break down of the new HTML5 features and progressive improvements for forms.

25 Excellent CSS3 Animations

25 cool CSS3 based animations normally delegated to JavaScript.

70 Creative Logo Designs for Design Inspiration

70 fresh and creative logos representing businesses of all genres.

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